Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A letter for those left behind

I am sorry I had to send you away
I am sorry I couldn't do more for you
I am sorry I realised I had no choice
I am sorry I couldn't assure your safety at home everyday

I have watched your mind deteriorate
I watched as you look straight through me as if I don't exist
I watched you trying to leave home in search of home that your mind would create

I have heard you cry in despair
I have heard you shout in anger and fear
I have heard you talk to people who not near

I am sorry I couldn't do more
I am sorry you didn't feel safe in your own house
I am sorry you couldn't recognise your own spouse

I promise you will always be precious to me
I promise I will always love you
I promise I will always make  sure you are ok
most of all I promise you will not be forgotten


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