One more tragedy
How many more will we see
Before we face the reality
It feels like we lack simple humanity
Connected yet so alone
Strong yet so torn
Families are distant
Conversations are non-existent
Non one is a friend
Most have themselves to defend
Nobody to say it's going to be alright
Most living at the speed of light
Darkness might engulf you
Only to be noticed at your final adieu
Talk of the town when you are gone
Forgotten with the next dawn
How many more will we see
Before we face the reality
It feels like we lack simple humanity
Connected yet so alone
Strong yet so torn
Families are distant
Conversations are non-existent
Non one is a friend
Most have themselves to defend
Nobody to say it's going to be alright
Most living at the speed of light
Darkness might engulf you
Only to be noticed at your final adieu
Talk of the town when you are gone
Forgotten with the next dawn